Feels like Fall is just around the corner here in Tallahassee. It is very interesting to look out the window at this moment and see one tree dropping it's leaves and another about to drop a bunch of bananas. The last few months have had a lot of ups and downs. I too am ready to drop a few things in exchange for a new season.
Last night, Hannah and I reflected on the oddity of Fall for us. The first Fall we knew each other, we were just friends. The second through fifth Falls were spent in different cities. Excluding the last two years, since Gainesville doesn't have much fall foliage, we have only spent one 'typical' Fall together. By that I mean crisp mornings, breezy afternoons, and chilly nights spent around a campfire. In comparison, we have spent the last eight summers together. We have so many great summer memories! Summer camp, traveling, seeing family, getting married, etc. I bring this up because the air in Tallahassee seems a little more brisk, a bit more akin to Illinois, and a little closer to my familiar notion of Fall.
Speaking of familiar places, check this out. A good friend of ours, Annie Deaderick, started a project with some friends up in Atlanta that I'd like to share. It's a community anthology of different verses set to the tune of This Land Is Your Land. Very neat idea. Below are some of my contributions. Feel free to add to the list if you'd like.
As I was sailing, that sea of corn fields
I felt a tailwind, speed up my worn wheels
My country, 'tis of Thee, As far as I can see
This land was made for you and me
As I was thinkin', 'bout Land of Lincoln
Of little towns shrinkin', and faces sinkin'
Like Moses told Pharaoh, clear down to Cairo
Illinois was tellin' me to go
She's often flashy, and sometimes trashy
Doesn't ask for pardon, showin' off her gardens
Caught lookin' 'cross the Hudson, with those green, green eyes
Jersey was made for you and me
You are a musician with the soul of a poet, Eli. I love it! Also, I added verse for Kentucky to the This Land is Your Land page, but yours are so much better. I think I found them all!